The Israel Ballet dances “Hikarizatto”

Enjoy this stunning visual feast of the Isreal Ballet dancing “Hikarizatto”, choreographed by Itzik Galili. The music is by Percossa. This is a contemporary ballet for 10 couples.

This ballet is amazing visually. The lighting is designed like a giant checker board which lights up in different configurations as dancers move into different points in space. I really like how the lit squares light up against a pitch black space in unpredictable sequences, so this piece has a strong surprise element that keeps you riveted.

The dancers have strong attack as they perform abstract movements with sharp lines that appear quite mechanical at times. They look like chess pieces “battling” it out in different groupings on this surreal board.

The music is percussion with a consistent drive pushing the dancers to the limit.

This piece is powerful: with strong bold energy and a sumptuous lighting design that will be sure to fascinate you!

I hope you enjoy it and PASS it on!!!


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