Tag: Rodrigo Pederneiras
Grupo Corpo – Missa do Orfanato | 1989
Glorious music and powerful dancing are seen in this excerpt from Rodrigo Pederneiras’s ballet called, Missa do Orfanato. This was danced by the Brazilian company, Grupo Corpo in 1989. The music is the K. 139 by Amadeus Mozart, 1768. It is really interesting to see where choreographically this company has evolved from. Sadly this piece…
Grupo Corpo – O Corpo .
Powerful with punch! Grupo Corpo the Brazilian company is dancing a section from Rodrigo Pedernerias’ work called, “O Corpo”. The soundtrack is electronic music composed by Brazilian rock composer, Arnaldo Antunes. The set design and lighting is done by Paul Pederneiras and the costumes are created by Freusa Zechmeister and Fernando Veloso. Grupo Corpo was…
Duo de “Lecuona”, espetáculo do Grupo Corpo
This duet is a whirlwind of hot and intense passion from a work called “Lecuona”, choreographed by Rodrigo Pedereiras, founder and choreographer of the Brazilian company, Grupo Corpo. The dancers are artists from the company and the music that is used for the entire ballet are love songs created by the Cuban composer Ernesto Lecuona.…
Breu (2007) – Grupo Corpo
Bold and strong, this segment of the dance piece called “Breu”, draws you in by the clever combination of movement, costume and strong rhythm. This is another piece danced by the Brazilian company, Grupo Corpo, and choreographed by the director, Rodrigo Pederneiras. The music is composed by Lenine and the costumes are designed by Freusa…