Category: Contemporary
SYTYCD Season 9 Opening Number – Christopher Scott Routine
Here is the opening group routine for SYTYCD season 9, top 20. It is choreographed by Christopher Scott. This is actually one of my favorite ensemble pieces from the entire series. To me it ranks with much outstanding choreography on the contemporary stage at large I like the choice of music which underpins the piece…
minus 16
Exciting with great punch! This piece is a part from a work called “Minus 16” choreographed by Ohad Naharin for the Batsheva Dance Company. It has had tremendous success and is now being performed by companies around the world. In this video it is performed by dancers from the 1T Danza project of the Theatre…
L’alphabet des corps
L’alphabet des corps is a video made up of still photographs showing how two dancers are able to create alphabet letters with their bodies. Far from being hokey, the pics are amazing, showing gravity defying strength and form of the dancers bodies. Wonderful how the bodies entwine, support and extend each other…. Beautiful sculptured recreations!…